Functional Movement Functional Yoga


Join me at Badass Lady Gang’s Functional Movement Functional Yoga platform and get stronger in three ways:   

1-Learn, Progress, Grow: Follow a “pod” of sessions on a one-month journey.  Four weeks to a pod, each week builds on a similar sequence and structure so you can feel your progress and learn more about how your body moves best.

2-Align, Mobilize and Strengthen: Don’t have time for a long session?  Build strength, mobility, balance, and focus in one short functional movement and strength session.  Add it on post-run/post-cardio or squeeze it into your packed schedule.

3-Get your body endurance-ready: Choose from hundreds of Strength x Yoga sessions designed to mirror the joint movements of running, cycling or swimming; add external weight to awaken important muscles of endurance sports.  **great for beginners!**

Would you like to try it?  Your first week is free.  After that the subscription is $14.99/month or $119.99/year.