Marathon Training Recharge Program

Make the time to stretch, strengthen and recover this marathon season. Stay injury free.

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Work with your body’s natural healing and adaptation process to perform your best. 

Training for a fall marathon or event? The Marathon Training Recharge program is a limited time offer and is designed to help you prepare for your fall event. 

Training for 26.2 miles increases stress on your muscles, joints, and connective tissues, creating scar tissue and adhesions that may reduce your athletic performance, create imbalances and lead to potential injury.  My three part approach works with your body’s natural healing and adaptation process so you can conquer your marathon stronger and with joy and confidence. 

Functional Massage Therapy works with your body’s natural healing process by releasing built up adhesions and calming your nervous system for maximum recovery and adaptation.  

Functional Yoga Therapy works to down-regulate an overstimulated nervous system as well as helping you experience balance, mobility and a present, calm mind.  

Functional Movement Training trains your mind and body to optimize joint function and leverage body or external weight to awaken key muscles specific to improving your running biomechanics.  


The most underrated type of marathon training: RECOVERY.

 Why make the time to stretch, strength and recover this marathon season?

Why make the time to stretch? 

It helps your muscles and connective tissues release tension and tightness between foam rolling and massage therapy sessions so you are functioning and performing your best.  I can help you create a personalized stretching routine. 

Why make time to strengthen? 

Because awakening key muscles and joint motions specific to your activity (running, cycling, swimming, etc) helps you improve your performance and works as injury prevention.  I can help find the most productive exercises that will help your body propel forward with strength and ease.

Why make the time to recover? 

Recovery helps your body adapt and perform better.  With functional massage therapy we work through adhesions and scar tissue, optimizing your muscles and connective tissues to glide seamlessly. This helps you reduce imbalances and prevent injuries.  We will work with your body's natural healing and adaptation process so you perform your best. 

"But, seriously, I don't have time for recovery."

You've got to make the time, and I can help you!  Training season can be demanding, juggling schedules, work, personal life, and the pressure we put on ourselves as athletes. With yoga-based mindfulness exercises, I'm here to support you in managing stress and finding emotional balance, promoting overall well-being throughout your journey.