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Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement

Develop Awareness and Create Change in Your Life.

Yoga Eagle Arms

50’ Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement

80’ Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement

Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement sessions are held at Arrive Wellness, 129 West 29th Street, Floor Two, between 6th and 7th Avenues.

Home and office visits are not available at this time.

55’ Virtual Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement

Unlock your body's true potential with a transformative blend of Yoga Therapy and Functional Movement. Experience a dynamic fusion of traditional yoga postures and alignment that empowers your biomechanics to build strength, increase mobility, and heighten body awareness. Harness the power of functional movement sequences, incorporating external weights and leveraging your body weight to alleviate joint and muscle pain while supercharging your athletic performance. Dive deep into the synergy of mind, body, and spirit as we tap into the unseen realm, igniting your inner essence through breath-work, mantras, inspirational readings, and meditation. Discover the extraordinary within you.

Experience Virtual Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement sessions from the convenience of your home or office. Sessions are held over Zoom, Google Meet or your choice of video connection.

"Amanda is one of a kind. She has changed her entire career path in order to help others. She is motivated, driven, and dedicated to being the best she can be so that she can provide the best care possible to her clients. She has been fully committed to the learning process and she continues to show true dedication to her practice. Her uplifting personality and positive energy is contagious, you're bound to leave with a smile on your face and feeling better as a result of your time with her!"


Brynn F. - Physical Therapist. 


Functional Massage Therapy


50’ Functional Massage Therapy


50’ Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement + Massage Therapy

80’ Functional Massage Therapy


80’ Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement + Yoga Therapy

Functional Massage Therapy sessions are held at Arrive Wellness, 129 West 29th Street, Floor Two, between 6th and 7th Avenues.

Home and office visits are not available at this time.

Indulge in deep relaxation and revive functional movement through strong and purposeful deep tissue sports massage. Sessions, ranging from 50 to 80 minutes, are meticulously crafted to enhance performance, accelerate muscle recovery, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

Take your experience to the next level by incorporating Yoga Therapy + Functional Movement into your Functional Massage Therapy session. Unleash the full potential of your body as we mobilize adhesions, address tender points, and release fascial restrictions. Immediately following, we will focus on conditioning your body's new structure by rewiring movement patterns and discovering effective ways to stabilize your joints.

Embrace the dynamic fusion of traditional yoga postures and precise alignment, empowering your biomechanics to build strength, improve mobility, and heighten body awareness. Through functional movement sequences, we incorporate external weights and leverage your body weight to alleviate joint and muscle discomfort, while simultaneously boosting athletic performance. Immerse yourself in the profound unity of mind, body, and spirit as we delve into the realm beyond the visible, igniting your inner essence through breathwork, mantras, inspirational readings, and meditation. Prepare to unearth the extraordinary within you.

"If you want to feel inspired, have a blast of a yoga workout, enjoy amazing music with an extraordinary teacher, go sign up for Amanda Kerpius' class!"  


Amy K.


Functional Movement Functional Yoga


Join me at Badass Lady Gang’s Functional Movement Functional Yoga platform and get stronger in three ways:   

1-Learn, Progress, Grow: Follow a “pod” of sessions on a one-month journey.  Four weeks to a pod, each week builds on a similar sequence and structure so you can feel your progress and learn more about how your body moves best.

2-Align, Mobilize and Strengthen: Don’t have time for a long session?  Build strength, mobility, balance, and focus in one short functional movement and strength session.  Add it on post-run/post-cardio or squeeze it into your packed schedule.

3-Get your body endurance-ready: Choose from hundreds of Strength x Yoga sessions designed to mirror the joint movements of running, cycling or swimming; add external weight to awaken important muscles of endurance sports.  **great for beginners!**

Would you like to try it?  Your first week is free.  After that the subscription is $14.99/month or $119.99/year. 


Marathon Training Recharge Program

Make the time to stretch, strengthen and recover this marathon season. Stay injury free.

Scroll down to learn more…

Work with your body’s natural healing and adaptation process to perform your best. 

Training for a fall marathon or event? The Marathon Training Recharge program is a limited time offer and is designed to help you prepare for your fall event. 

Training for 26.2 miles increases stress on your muscles, joints, and connective tissues, creating scar tissue and adhesions that may reduce your athletic performance, create imbalances and lead to potential injury.  My three part approach works with your body’s natural healing and adaptation process so you can conquer your marathon stronger and with joy and confidence. 

Functional Massage Therapy works with your body’s natural healing process by releasing built up adhesions and calming your nervous system for maximum recovery and adaptation.  

Functional Yoga Therapy works to down-regulate an overstimulated nervous system as well as helping you experience balance, mobility and a present, calm mind.  

Functional Movement Training trains your mind and body to optimize joint function and leverage body or external weight to awaken key muscles specific to improving your running biomechanics.  


The most underrated type of marathon training: RECOVERY.

 Why make the time to stretch, strength and recover this marathon season?

Why make the time to stretch? 

It helps your muscles and connective tissues release tension and tightness between foam rolling and massage therapy sessions so you are functioning and performing your best.  I can help you create a personalized stretching routine. 

Why make time to strengthen? 

Because awakening key muscles and joint motions specific to your activity (running, cycling, swimming, etc) helps you improve your performance and works as injury prevention.  I can help find the most productive exercises that will help your body propel forward with strength and ease.

Why make the time to recover? 

Recovery helps your body adapt and perform better.  With functional massage therapy we work through adhesions and scar tissue, optimizing your muscles and connective tissues to glide seamlessly. This helps you reduce imbalances and prevent injuries.  We will work with your body's natural healing and adaptation process so you perform your best. 

"But, seriously, I don't have time for recovery."

You've got to make the time, and I can help you!  Training season can be demanding, juggling schedules, work, personal life, and the pressure we put on ourselves as athletes. With yoga-based mindfulness exercises, I'm here to support you in managing stress and finding emotional balance, promoting overall well-being throughout your journey.   

Cupping Therapy

(Negative Compression Therapy)


Cupping Therapy | Negative Compression Therapy

In addition to my traditional massage techniques, I’m now offering cupping therapy. Cupping therapy operates by reducing atmospheric pressure within the cup, gently lifting soft tissues. 

Soft tissues often become rigid, excessively tense, or congested with toxins due to factors associated with athletic activities, poor posture, overuse injuries, chronic injuries, exposure to environmental chemicals, and the burdens of stress. Many clients seek my expertise when they feel fatigued, stressed, and burdened with achy, tense muscles.

Cupping Therapy or Negative Compression Therapy addresses the concerns my clients have and the advantages are many, including:

- Softening and lifting rigid connective tissues

- Easing adhesions

- Enhancing blood flow to stagnant areas

- Draining excess fluids and toxins

- Over time, reshaping myofascial bands

- Initiating a parasympathetic (rest and digest) response in your nervous system

- Generating localized tissue expansion and vasodilation for improved blood flow

- Elevating skin temperature

- Facilitating the flushing of capillary beds

Cupping Marks

Cupping therapy frequently produces distinctive skin reactions known as cupping marks.  The exact cause of these marks has several theories, including:

- Stagnation of blood flow

- Accumulated congestion and toxins

- Presence of dead cellular debris

It's important to distinguish between cupping marks and bruises (ecchymosis). Bruises typically stem from compression injuries, which entail internal bleeding, coagulation of healing proteins, and the accumulation of neurological pain receptors, among other elements in the healing process.

History of Cupping

As for its historical roots, cupping therapy boasts an ancient lineage. Hieroglyphic records indicate its use in Egypt approximately 3,500 years ago, and it remains a revered component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with origins dating back to 1,000 B.C.